There's a lot of sequels and prequels this year, I need a break from that, really... That's too much in a year!!! Luckily, G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra is here to rescue me from these "sequel-prequel" world and into the fresh new movie franchise mode. Maybe some people doubt the movie and predicted it will flop at the box office, but I and some other people is entertained by it. As I said it, popcorn movie is for entertainment, not art. So don't expect any artistic of any kind of stuff.
First up, this movie is produced by the same producer of Transformers and it's second sequel and the director of box office hit, The Mummy. After you watch the movie, you will find 2 or 3 The Mummy actors in it. The characters in the movie is much more memorable than Revenge of the Fallen, whom I already forget what are they doing in Transformers (means I recalled only just the robots). The characters here is much funnier, weirder and the villains is still evil.
For the first time in my viewing history, I like movie heroes than villains this time. For example of the villains I like, Darth Vader, The Joker, Decepticons and etc. Maybe this time the heroes costumes is much sleeker, more agile and cooler than the villains, I just don't know.
Story-wise, the movie is clearly not the main point, but I will give much favorable score than other movies released this year, like the mediocre Transformers and horrible Terminator plot which is stupid in anyway, but I don't care actually, so the story is a bonus score to Joes.
Now, here's criticisms. The CGI in this movie is good but not great, Transformers has clearly set the benchmark for best graphics for the whole year, certain scenes looked fake and felt like they glued to the scenes. In CGI, Joe losing out to Transformers, Star Trek, Terminator respectively.
One thing the producer should worry about is the cast though, not they acted badly, it just that they are not popular enough. The only notable star is Dennis Quaid, other than that we don't know them (maybe not popular here). According to news, lead actor Channing Tatum is well received in the US and soon have more movies coming out. So actually is not so bad.
Verdict: G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra is another entertainment movie and a non-sequel, proving they can be a good blow-up stuff movie, going cinema to watch it is worth it. With sequel confirmed, I think I will watch it.
Score 4.3/5
1 comment:
eh crasher....
this is my new link....
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